I don't need to point out to you that gasoline prices have steadily risen for over a month or longer. If you use a motor vehicle to get you to your job so you can get a paycheck then you are aware that your check doesn't go as far as it did because you're paying more to get to work.
As of today, the national average for a gallon of unleaded gas is $3.07. But it can be much higher depending on the state you live in. I live in the state of frustration as I watch the gas prices climb almost daily. And can you explain why that is? We have stockpiles of reserve gasoline sitting in tanks all across America. Gas consumption is down and has been almost all summer. So we're using a lot less, production is up and reserves are over-flowing. That, my friends, is enough reason for the oil-lords to say, "Well, we're not selling as much so let's raise the price!".
This is just another reason for you to try my original idea of boycotting Exxon/Mobil. PLEASE quit buying their gas. Buy all you want at any other service station. Waste all you want but just don't buy it from Exxon/Mobil. Let them see what its like to not sell a drop of gas from their company stations. Do that for a few weeks and lets see what happens to their prices. My guess is they will drop faster than the New Years countdown ball!
I could go on and on but its nothing I haven't said a hundred times before. Go to my Facebook group to read more on this: Don't Buy Gas From Exxon/Mobile.
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