Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Beyond Crazy!

This is really getting to the point where I would think that people would finally say enough is enough. With the national average price for gasoline at $3.51 per gallon why in the world are we paying that much?

The oil companies continue to set record profits and the salaries and benefits of all the head-honchos keep rising. Do you really think that they mind filling up their luxury cars at any price? Does any CEO, politician or actor really care what the price of gas is? If you're making millions of dollars a year I don't think you care if your chauffeur has to pay $5 or more a gallon to fill your Bentley.

But the poor working stiff continues to pay no matter what the cost. Sure people are trying to cut back on gasoline or are eliminating other purchases in order to get half-a-tank of gas. But gasoline is not a luxury, it's a necessity. Most people have to have it to get to work, go to the store, go to the doctor or hundreds of other reasons. You simply cannot do without it. And the oil companies know this of course.

They know we will grumble and moan and write letters to the editor. But they also know that we'll continue to keep paying whatever price they dictate. So why do we? Why do we just let the prices soar and don't take one step to stop it? Do you think it's because everyone thinks that we can't do anything about it? Probably. It's just like returning stupid politicians to office every election. People think their vote won't make a difference so they don't vote.

So instead of me just ranting away as usual, why can't I just persuade a handful of people to stop and really think about my solution? It's as simple as can be and you don't have to write anyone or lift a finger or go out of your way at all. No effort! None.

Here it comes again.....just STOP buying gasoline from Exxon/Mobile. STOP. Done. Simple. No sweat. Easy. What have you got to lose??

Gasoline CANNOT sit in storage tanks for any long period of time. It gets old. Not to mention that they don't have enough tanks to store all they produce. The only reason they have holding tanks to put it in is because they are selling it. Stop buying their gas and where will they put it? Sure they sell some to other distributors but not enough to make that their business. How long would it take them to really get in a bind with excess fuel and furious stockholders? A week? Two? How about a month? Can you imagine what would be happening at the morning briefings if Exxon/Mobile wasn't selling one drop of gas at their pumps?

How long before they had to DROP their prices to lure customers back? My guess is within two weeks. They would just have to be sure that this was a national boycott and it wasn't going to stop.

So if you can read this please try it and pass it along to your friends and relatives. Go buy your gas at ANY other gas company. And do it for months. Even when Exxon drops their prices stay away. Pay the extra at some other company until Exxon drops the price by a dollar or more. Then if you have to go back to them because it is so cheap then simply stop buying gas at BP or Shell. They'll soon match Exxon's price and now we have them where we want them.

And if you don't think the companies are ripping us off enough then think about this. Do you remember for as long as you can remember that the three levels of gasoline, regular unleaded, premium, and super premium have always been priced at 10 cent intervals? $1.79/$1.89/$1.99. Forever.

So why now are the prices separated so much higher such as, $3.49/$3.64/$3.79??? Go check it out for yourself. It's hard to find a station that has the prices only 10 cents higher for each. I'd say that one is the station owner screwing his customer.

That's it. Either you join in or continue to pay whatever price they tell you to. But I really can't think of one reason you can't do this. Buy all the gas you want. But why can't you just buy it from anyone but Exxon/Mobile? DO NOT pull into their stations. It is so easy.

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